And Now A Few Words About…
Professional curmudgeon Andy Rooney resigned from 60 Minutes this week, his final broadcast was this past Sunday, leaving behind the desk he's occupied for over 30 years. That's a milestone, over three decades sitting there, pounding out opinions and crazy-talk, then spilling it all on a public forum. In many ways Mr. Rooney was like the world's first blogger. Except, he was well-respected… and well-paid.
Truth be told, I wasn't a fan of the man, nothing against him personally, just that I never caught any of his segments because I never caught an episode of 60 Minutes… ever. In fact, I find that I'm always a little surprised to hear that it's even still on the air. This shocking revelation occurs almost every Sunday during football season, as the late game on CBS runs into 7:00 and the commentators always tell us to stay tuned for 60 Minutes in its entirety following the game. Yeah, sure thing, Chief. I was thinking of heading over to ESPN for highlights of all the games of the day before clicking on over to NBC for yet even more football with the Sunday night game. But that stuff you just said about 60 Minutes sounded a whole lot better so I'll just stick around and watch Ed Bradley's interview with Boris Yeltsin.
What's that? Ed Bradley's dead? Yeltsin too? How long ago? Probably would have known that if I'd watched the show once in a while. DAMN YOU FOOTBALL! CURSE YOU FOR MY IGNORANCE, DEMON GAME!
Still, and more importantly, back on topic, I'll miss actively avoiding Andy Rooney and his aggressive eyebrows. (Seriously, go back up and take a look at that pair of lint traps he's got going on.) But life goes on and it seems to me that without Andy… there's a job opening over at 60 Minutes. Wonder if they've posted up on Monster yet?
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